by chambch | Oct 14, 2013 | Misc
Every entrepreneur has a vision. Whether it’s world domination or a local charity, it requires a plan and time to make that plan happen. Ask anyone you know if they’ve ever had what they thought was a marketable idea. Chances are – they have. Now...
by chambch | Jul 19, 2013 | Learning, Misc, Personal Development
One of the most important steps in goal setting is to establish a realistic deadline, but this important step is often what thwarts the process when it is done incorrectly. A few helpful ideas about deadlines will help: Are You in Control? One of the most common...
by Boyd Petersen | Aug 26, 2011 | Featured
This article was taken from a presentation given by Bill Brown of Utah Business Advocates at the Park City ELP Meeting, August 24, 2011. Bill volunteers his help for entrepreneurs and small business for both Entrepreneur Launch Pad as an interim site leader and Board...