Brian Knox – attorney with Global Law, PLLC, entrepreneur and ELP member presented . Brian handles many types of law, but is an expert in export regulations. Every small business should consider whether exporting could be an important option for their future growth and stability. Ask the right questions. WHY SHOULD YOU CONSIDER EXPORTING? WHAT CAN YOU DO TO GET READY? WHAT IS YOUR COMMITMENT AND OTHERS ON YOUR TEAM? WHAT’S THE COST/BENEFIT ANALYSIS? WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS? COULD YOU CONSIDER LICENSING? Market Research is critical and there are a lot of places to go for information on your global market. Target one or two places to export and once you have established your channel into those countries, it will be easier to launch into additional markets. Brian discussed the opportunities he’s seen in Vietnam and how a good Vietnam market could open up China and other countries to your product(s). Sources of,, U.S. Commercial Service, Trade and Industry Associations. The World Trade Center of Utah will give you help in identifying valuable sources. Get a feel for the market, including a personal visit if you can. Money is available for exporting. If you need money it is helpful to show that you’ve been able to get sales traction here, that you understand the international market and you clearly fill a need. Don’t try to handle the shipping / transportation on your own. Use a freight forwarder. They understand the regulations and know where you may encounter problems and how to avoid them. A great resource to exporters is the Gold Matching Service, which connects you with people in the country who can help you with meetings and contacts. Exporting will increase your competitiveness, diversify your business, grow your bottom-line, smooth your business cycle and strengthen the U.S. economy.Brian suggested going to and purchasing their book, “A Basic Guide to Exporting”. He is the creator and sole contributor of the International Law & Policy Forum, located at Contact Brian at 801-448-5125, Website-