This is an email from John T. Child. If you wish to receive other business helps, contact him at his email address at the end of the article and ask to receive his email message series.
In this economy, we’re all trying to do as much as we can as cheap as we can. Here are my top 5 recommend free or really cheap resources you can benefit from today!
If you want to be able to email your advice, ideas, or offers out to your clients, prospects, friends, family, etc. – then I highly recommend MailChimp for your bulk email. It’s free, and even if your list grows, it’s very cheap after that.
“Hey, did you get that email attachment?” “No, it must have been too big.” – if you’ve ever had that type of conversation, then you need Dropbox. It’s one of the easiest ways to share large files or a bunch of files with other people, and it’s free!
Have problems remembering user names and passwords for all the different types of websites out there? This awesome browser plugin is free and will securely remember your user names and passwords and even automatically go to the site and log you in when you choose it from the list. I use this tool dozens of times every day!
Plug this little attachment into your iPhone, Android, or other smartphone and just like that, you can accept credit cards without the hassle of a merchant account! They send you the device for free and there are zero monthly costs. They simply take a small percentage per transaction and then deposit the rest in your bank account.
Everyone has a lot of random notes and lists and information to keep track of. Instead of plastering your wall with yellow post-it’s, get it all online with Everynote. The cool thing is, that you can have it on your computer, on the web, and on your phone so that anything you put in one place is instantly accessible everywhere else. No more losing random bits of needed info. Even though it’s free, I recommend their “Premium” version at $5 a month.
Enjoy those cool tools. I hope they help make you even more successful in everything you do!