Our guest speaker at DAVIS ELP was Ron Baron, a successful CEO and President, popular public speaker, management coach, and entrepreneur.

The Secret of Life

Ron has figured out the secret of life and he shared it with us.  He was President of a company in Boston and life revolved around success at work.  The day he was released from the hospital after a medical emergency he went directly from the hospital to work.  That evening, his wife announced to the family that they were moving to Colorado.  They moved, and he continued to be President of his company.  He couldn’t work 14 hours a day anymore, because he couldn’t run around helping everyone make decisions. He worked 2 hours a day and spent the rest of the time with his family.  Ron would go back to Boston every 5 weeks. But he found he didn’t really need to since everyone in his employ “started acting smarter.”  The sales reports were coming in with gains of 22% instead of the previous 2% when he was “helping them make decisions.”  He began to share his “newly discovered secrets” with his executive business friend’s one at a time, and they found a way to make it work in their own lives, as well.  Other busy and stressed executives began hiring Ron to help them change their lives, and their businesses were revitalized.

Creating Business Success

1.  Every company has a weakness.   Exploit the weaknesses of your competition.
2.  Set unreasonable expectations. 75% of a lofty goal is better than 0% of a small goal.
3.  Stretch your business definition to something that is emotional to your customers. It’s not about the product; it’s about the benefits to your customer.  Each of us has real limitations, but we tend to create even more limitations for ourselves because we listen to people around us.
4. In life there are always 2 stories and you decide what story will be told about your life. We need to take control of our lives.
5. The “Un”-Person.  “If I rely on others to make me (fill in the emotion), I will always be un-(fill in the same emotion).”  We make ourselves successful.  We make ourselves happy.  You become the source of light to others.
6. The most unpleasant principle of success.  Financially, right now, you are exactly where in your heart you believe you should be.  Until we believe we can have something, we won’t.
7. Stop for Gas.  If we don’t stop, we won’t get to your destination. The big ideas don’t come to you when you are busy.  They usually come in the shower, when you are at peace.
8. “I CAN” is much more important than I.Q.  You need to know that you can do anything and you can have anything.
9. Understand the difference between work and building your business.  You don’t build your business through the work you do every day.
10. Exercise: What do you want your life to look like in your ultimate dreams?  Come up with 8 – 12 things that you want your life to look like.  Write them in positive affirmation style and use your own name.  You need to be selfish.  Write them – don’t type them.  Run on sentences work best. These things will be emotional to you. You are writing your fairy tale.  Read them to you every morning and again every night.  Don’t share your list with anyone else. Your life will change tremendously when you focus on what you want your life to look like.
11. Technician, Manager, Entrepreneur = Master.  You must include the 3rd one if you want to achieve success.
12. Take charge of your life.   Don’t complain that you aren’t doing the things you need to do.  Do it! Ask someone to kick you in the butt if you don’t take charge of your life.
13. Recognize your present abundance.  Congratulate yourself for what you’ve accomplished in life and recognize that you can do more.
14. I.O.U. – You must work on your life and your business to make your life as grand as it can be.
Ron Baron is founder of An Inspired Life.  For motivational presentations with a difference:RonBaron@AnInspiredLife.net303-472-4642www.AnInspiredLife.net.