Take advantage of the extensive knowledge we have available to us as ELP members! Plus the cost is very cost effective. Brent Meikle is willing to share a great resource with us, take advantage of it while you can!
At the DAVIS ELP Brent Meikle talked about his approach to Venture Planning and his new Notes2Venture tool. The cusp of his approach is that instead of concentrating on getting angel or venture capitalist funding, it makes more sense to just launch your venture and generate cash flow as quickly as possible.
In other words focus on your business rather than your business plan. Only one out of seven hundred deals get angel funding, but one out of fifteen companies that are generating cash flow do. So he suggests that you get your business growing and then enter into the funding process higher up to give you a better chance for success.
Or if your business is going great, bootstrap it and don’t give up the equity. He talked about his new online tool that allows you to create a dynamic Functional Venture plan as you grow in order to keep your business moving.
You can access it a www.notes2venture.com and the first venture you run is free. He will let ELP members use it as much as they wish in order to get feedback. Just go to the customer service section and in set-up send a message that includes you user name and ELP. He will set you up for free access. Brent is a great resource of help for small businesses. Take advantage of his offer.